"Blue Green Sardines" is a canvas where deep blues and emerald greens meet in a striking 30"x40" composition. This painting combines the tranquility of the sea with the elegance of gold accents, creating a rich and immersive visual experience. I started with a complex abstract base, adding layers of texture and depth that set the stage for the sardines, which are intricately painted with a q-tip to capture every detail.
The radiant gold highlights add a touch of sophistication, while the deep colors evoke a sense of both calm and vitality. As light plays across the surface, new details emerge, enhancing the painting's dynamic nature. "Blue Green Sardines" offers a unique blend of nature’s elegance and artistic imagination.
Bring this piece into your space and let it transform and inspire with its vibrant colors and intricate textures.
[delivery & fulfillment]
When you acquire a limited edition print, your print will be signed, numbered, and carefully rolled in a heavy-duty tube, ensuring its safety during transportation. You can expect delivery of your print within 7 - 10 days.
For our "ready-to-hang" option, we offer a white solid wood frame with a 1" profile and a depth of 2.25". High-quality acrylic glazing ensures optimal protection, while a wire hanger allows for easy and secure installation, providing a museum-like experience in the comfort of your own space. Your framed print will arrive within 10 - 14 days.
Schedule a studio tour
Located in South Boston, just a stone's throw from the Boston Design Center and the Seaport District, Seth's studio is the perfect vantage point to see where the paint flies and view his incredible pieces.